Sunday, July 29, 2007

We made it home safely, and I finally have had some time to post more of the pictures. Father Doug blessed us, and our bus for a safe journey home. Thanks God, for keeping us in your loving care. We hope we have done your will this week. Thanks parishioners, for caring what we did, and keeping us in your prayers. We are glad to be home, and proud of what we accomplished.
Our affirmation table, being well used!
Eric and his friend, Edward playing some jazz for us.
Edward looking over his music.
Our gorgeous singers!
The summer birthdays, we celebrated on Wednesday!
Sister Kathleen telling her friends how overwhelmed she was at all of the beautiful plants.
Some of the plants we unloaded. . . .
more plants. . . .
even more plants. . . .
The unloading process:

The finished products: It is going to be awesome when the sod comes in!

Elephant Ears outside of Father Doug's house. . .he says they fit his ears. . .we say they are vibrant like him!
These Crepe Myrtle trees are gorgeous. The rockstars planted 32 of them total. (Go Anna & Claire!)
Outside of the rectory.

Rows of Crepe Myrtles.

The playground in the courtyard between the dorms and the school.
Our hide n seek playground.

The Peace Garden. . . with its swail redug for the 3 time. . . .
Peace Garden
Blessed Mary in the parking lot near the Peace Garden.
The Peace Pole.
Another view of the peace pole with part of the team.
Father Doug & Sister Kathleen sporting our shirts with Claire & Anna.
Kevin (AKA Mr. Bobcat) with Father & Sister.
Getting ready to start our tour.
A Blue Heron
El Whoppo. (Not Lori Anne's favorite)

Getting ready to board the bus. . .with lots of mixed emotions.